Friday, April 7, 2017


Recently I watched the documentary, Catfish, which precedes the current television show. In the movie, Nev or Yaniv Schulman is talking with a girl named Abby who then leads to him talking with another girl, her sister. Nev develops feelings to this girl and later starts to notice something off.

We all catfish. Catfishing is when someone fakes who they really are on social media or the internet. We don't normally change the entirety of who we are and lie to people about it, but we do choose what aspects of ourselves are seen. This could come in the form of what pictures are posted, what statuses you post, the pages you like, the things you share, and what your about page contains.

The internet is our own way to only show the best parts of ourselves without ever revealing the worst parts of ourselves. You don't have to give out the information you don't want to and if you do it's almost entirely voluntary. You even get to choose if you even want to be you or someone else entirely. The internet let's you do just about anything and get away with it. It isn't until you're caught or when someone is negatively affected that it really matters. Though, you still have that choice to come clean or not. It all comes down to morals and ethics in the end.

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